That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Hugo Roberto Colace goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Joseph Mills is replaced by Stern John.
Barnsley are replacing Kayode Odejayi with Jon Macken.
Barnsley are replacing Franca Anderson Silva with Bobby Hassell.
Jamal Campbell-Ryce is being taken off, Martin Devaney has come on in his place.
Bradley Wright-Phillips is replaced by Jake Thomson.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 0.
The ref has blown his whistle for half time.
Simon Gillett is booked for unsporting behaviour.
Andrew Surman is booked for unsporting behaviour.
The ref has blown his whistle and the match has started.
Full time
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Yellow Card
Hugo Roberto Colace goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Joseph Mills is replaced by Stern John.
Barnsley are replacing Kayode Odejayi with Jon Macken.
Barnsley are replacing Franca Anderson Silva with Bobby Hassell.
Jamal Campbell-Ryce is being taken off, Martin Devaney has come on in his place.
Bradley Wright-Phillips is replaced by Jake Thomson.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 0.
Half time
The ref has blown his whistle for half time.
Yellow Card
Simon Gillett is booked for unsporting behaviour.
Yellow Card
Andrew Surman is booked for unsporting behaviour.
The ref has blown his whistle and the match has started.