Halmosi (31)
Paterson (33)
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Plymouth are replacing Jermaine Easter with Jamie Mackie.
Jason Euell is replaced by Inigo Idiakez.
Jim Paterson is being taken off, Gary Teale has come on in his place.
The referee has booked Paul Connolly.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 2.
Bradley Wright-Phillips is replaced by Adam Hammill.
The ref has blown his whistle for half time.
Goal!! Plymouth have scored with Jim Paterson putting it in the back of the net.
Goal!! Plymouth have scored with Peter Halmosi putting it in the back of the net.
Darren Powell is being taken off, Jhon Viafara has come on in his place.
The ref has blown his whistle and the match has started.
Plymouth Argyle
Full time
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Plymouth are replacing Jermaine Easter with Jamie Mackie.
Jason Euell is replaced by Inigo Idiakez.
Jim Paterson is being taken off, Gary Teale has come on in his place.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Paul Connolly.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 2.
Bradley Wright-Phillips is replaced by Adam Hammill.
Half time
The ref has blown his whistle for half time.
Goal!! Plymouth have scored with Jim Paterson putting it in the back of the net.
Goal!! Plymouth have scored with Peter Halmosi putting it in the back of the net.
Darren Powell is being taken off, Jhon Viafara has come on in his place.
The ref has blown his whistle and the match has started.