Surman (90)
Halford (35)
Ward (90)
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Goal!! Jamie Ward scores for Sheff Utd.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Andrew Surman putting it in the back of the net.
The referee has booked Morgan Schneiderlin.
Danny Webber is being taken off, Jamie Ward has come on in his place.
Paul Wotton is replaced by Morgan Schneiderlin.
Kayne McLaggon is being taken off, Jason Euell has come on in his place.
Chris Perry goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 1.
Simon Gillett is being taken off, Bradley Wright-Phillips has come on in his place.
Half time whistle is blown by L Probert
It's red. He's off. Darius Henderson has been sent off.
Jan-Paul Saeijs is booked for unsporting behaviour.
Goal!! Sheff Utd have scored with Greg Halford putting it in the back of the net.
The ref has blown his whistle and the match has started.
Sheffield United
Full time
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Goal!! Jamie Ward scores for Sheff Utd.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Andrew Surman putting it in the back of the net.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Morgan Schneiderlin.
Danny Webber is being taken off, Jamie Ward has come on in his place.
Paul Wotton is replaced by Morgan Schneiderlin.
Kayne McLaggon is being taken off, Jason Euell has come on in his place.
Yellow Card
Chris Perry goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 1.
Simon Gillett is being taken off, Bradley Wright-Phillips has come on in his place.
Half time
Half time whistle is blown by L Probert
Red Card
It's red. He's off. Darius Henderson has been sent off.
Yellow Card
Jan-Paul Saeijs is booked for unsporting behaviour.
Goal!! Sheff Utd have scored with Greg Halford putting it in the back of the net.
The ref has blown his whistle and the match has started.