Parry (6)
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Steven Thompson is being taken off, Riccardo Scimeca has come on in his place.
The referee has booked Wayne Thomas.
Mario Licka is replaced by Vincent Pericard.
Jason Euell is being taken off, Andrew Surman has come on in his place.
Peter Whittingham is replaced by Trevor Sinclair.
Jhon Viafara is being taken off, Bradley Wright-Phillips has come on in his place.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 1 v 0.
Half time whistle is blown by M Jones
Goal!! Cardiff have scored with Paul Parry putting it in the back of the net.
It's 3pm on Saturday, March 29th, the match has kicked off.
Cardiff City
Full time
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Full time
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Steven Thompson is being taken off, Riccardo Scimeca has come on in his place.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Wayne Thomas.
Mario Licka is replaced by Vincent Pericard.
Jason Euell is being taken off, Andrew Surman has come on in his place.
Peter Whittingham is replaced by Trevor Sinclair.
Jhon Viafara is being taken off, Bradley Wright-Phillips has come on in his place.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 1 v 0.
Half time
Half time whistle is blown by M Jones
Goal!! Cardiff have scored with Paul Parry putting it in the back of the net.
It's 3pm on Saturday, March 29th, the match has kicked off.