Surman (58)P
The ref has blown his whistle for full time.
David McGoldrick is being taken off, Jamie White has come on in his place.
Doncaster are replacing Lewis Guy with Paul Heffernan.
Darren Byfield is replaced by James Hayter.
Morgan Schneiderlin is replaced by Chris Perry.
Andrew Surman takes a penalty for Southampton and scores!.
Own goal, Matt Mills has put it in his own net.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 0.
The ref has blown his whistle for half time.
Stern John is replaced by Tomas Pekhart.
It's 3pm on Saturday, September 27th, the match has kicked off.
Doncaster Rovers
Full time
The ref has blown his whistle for full time.
Full time
The ref has blown his whistle for full time.
David McGoldrick is being taken off, Jamie White has come on in his place.
Doncaster are replacing Lewis Guy with Paul Heffernan.
Darren Byfield is replaced by James Hayter.
Morgan Schneiderlin is replaced by Chris Perry.
Andrew Surman takes a penalty for Southampton and scores!.
Own Goal
Own goal, Matt Mills has put it in his own net.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 0.
Half time
The ref has blown his whistle for half time.
Stern John is replaced by Tomas Pekhart.
It's 3pm on Saturday, September 27th, the match has kicked off.