Fotheringham (40)
Hoolahan (42)
McLaggon (57)
Saganowski (78)
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Mark Fotheringham is being taken off, Carl Cort has come on in his place.
Jamie Cureton is being taken off, Arturo Lupoli has come on in his place.
Wes Hoolahan is being taken off, Matty Pattison has come on in his place.
The referee has booked Marek Saganowski.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Marek Saganowski putting it in the back of the net.
Simon Gillett is replaced by Jason Euell.
The referee has booked Paul Wotton.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Kayne McLaggon putting it in the back of the net.
The referee has booked Lee Croft.
Ryan Smith is replaced by Marek Saganowski.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 2 v 0.
Half time whistle is blown by L Mason
Goal!! Wes Hoolahan scores for Norwich.
Adam Lallana goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Mark Fotheringham goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Goal!! Norwich have scored with Mark Fotheringham putting it in the back of the net.
The referee has booked Simon Gillett.
Lee Holmes is being taken off, Kayne McLaggon has come on in his place.
Gary Doherty is booked for unsporting behaviour.
It's 7:45pm on Tuesday, January 27th, the match has kicked off.
Norwich City
Full time
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Mark Fotheringham is being taken off, Carl Cort has come on in his place.
Jamie Cureton is being taken off, Arturo Lupoli has come on in his place.
Wes Hoolahan is being taken off, Matty Pattison has come on in his place.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Marek Saganowski.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Marek Saganowski putting it in the back of the net.
Simon Gillett is replaced by Jason Euell.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Paul Wotton.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Kayne McLaggon putting it in the back of the net.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Lee Croft.
Ryan Smith is replaced by Marek Saganowski.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 2 v 0.
Half time
Half time whistle is blown by L Mason
Goal!! Wes Hoolahan scores for Norwich.
Yellow Card
Adam Lallana goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Yellow Card
Mark Fotheringham goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Goal!! Norwich have scored with Mark Fotheringham putting it in the back of the net.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Simon Gillett.
Lee Holmes is being taken off, Kayne McLaggon has come on in his place.
Yellow Card
Gary Doherty is booked for unsporting behaviour.
It's 7:45pm on Tuesday, January 27th, the match has kicked off.