Edwards (47)
The ref has blown his whistle for full time.
The referee has booked Jon Nurse.
The referee has booked Ian Craney.
Peter Gain goes into the referees book for unsporting behaviour.
It's red. He's off. Leam Richardson has been sent off.
Andy Todd is replaced by David Mannix.
Ross Smith is replaced by Solomon Taiwo.
Shaun Whalley is replaced by Jay Harris.
Dagenham are replacing Glen Southam with Jon Nurse.
Goal!! Phil Edwards scores for Accrington Stanley.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 0.
Half time whistle is blown by D Whitestone
Leam Richardson is booked for unsporting behaviour.
It's 7:45pm on Friday, April 4th, the match has kicked off.
Accrington Stanley
Dagenham Redbridge
Full time
The ref has blown his whistle for full time.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Jon Nurse.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Ian Craney.
Yellow Card
Peter Gain goes into the referees book for unsporting behaviour.
Red Card
It's red. He's off. Leam Richardson has been sent off.
Andy Todd is replaced by David Mannix.
Ross Smith is replaced by Solomon Taiwo.
Shaun Whalley is replaced by Jay Harris.
Dagenham are replacing Glen Southam with Jon Nurse.
Goal!! Phil Edwards scores for Accrington Stanley.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 0 v 0.
Half time
Half time whistle is blown by D Whitestone
Yellow Card
Leam Richardson is booked for unsporting behaviour.
It's 7:45pm on Friday, April 4th, the match has kicked off.