Saganowski (17)
Saganowski (76)
Jordi Gomez (33)
Pintado (65)
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Southampton are replacing Marek Saganowski with Morgan Schneiderlin.
The referee has booked Garcia Jordi Gomez.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Marek Saganowski putting it in the back of the net.
Joe Allen is replaced by Thomas Butler.
David McGoldrick is being taken off, Kayne McLaggon has come on in his place.
Goal!! Swansea have scored with Gorka Pintado putting it in the back of the net.
Marek Saganowski is booked for unsporting behaviour.
Mark Gower is replaced by Gorka Pintado.
Adam Lallana is being taken off, Jason Euell has come on in his place.
It's red. He's off. Lee Molyneux has been sent off.
The referee has booked Andrew Surman.
The second half is under way with the score currently at 1 v 1.
Half time whistle is blown by S Tanner
Goal!! Swansea have scored with Garcia Jordi Gomez putting it in the back of the net.
Lee Molyneux goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
It's 3pm on Saturday, January 31st, the match has kicked off.
Swansea City
Full time
That's it, it's all over, the referee has blown the final whistle.
Southampton are replacing Marek Saganowski with Morgan Schneiderlin.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Garcia Jordi Gomez.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Marek Saganowski putting it in the back of the net.
Joe Allen is replaced by Thomas Butler.
David McGoldrick is being taken off, Kayne McLaggon has come on in his place.
Goal!! Swansea have scored with Gorka Pintado putting it in the back of the net.
Yellow Card
Marek Saganowski is booked for unsporting behaviour.
Mark Gower is replaced by Gorka Pintado.
Adam Lallana is being taken off, Jason Euell has come on in his place.
Red Card
It's red. He's off. Lee Molyneux has been sent off.
Yellow Card
The referee has booked Andrew Surman.
Second half
The second half is under way with the score currently at 1 v 1.
Half time
Half time whistle is blown by S Tanner
Goal!! Swansea have scored with Garcia Jordi Gomez putting it in the back of the net.
Yellow Card
Lee Molyneux goes into the referee's book for unsporting behaviour.
Goal!! Southampton have scored with Marek Saganowski putting it in the back of the net.
It's 3pm on Saturday, January 31st, the match has kicked off.