Source: TheGuardian
Luton Town are runaway champions in the Tipping league | Brief letters
Money and success in football | Nominative determinism | Spring onions | No crabs round here | Defining ‘populist’Manchester City’s “historic” fourth title (19 May) is perhaps not so surprising since they are the richest club; runners-up Arsenal are the second-richest, and the bottom club, Sheffield United, the second-poorest. A league that I created, by calculating points won per club value in billions of euros, puts Luton Town way out in front (208 points per billion) and Manchester City second from bottom (72 points per billion). Hats off to Luton!Edward TippingStaveley, Cumbria• I knew someone would mention nominative determinism after I wrote a letter about population. Mike Hine (Letters, 20 May) might like to know that until I retired I was Mr Plenty the Quantity Surveyor. In future, perhaps I should use my middle name, as below.R Converwell PlentyStroud, Gloucestershire Continue full article